
Beginner Home Workout: Bodyweight Only!

Looking for the perfect beginner workout you can do in your living room? Well, you found it, babe!

This beginner-friendly workout requires zero equipment, so grab your sweat towel, some water, and LET’S GO!

You can modify the number of reps or rounds based on your current fitness level. The awesome thing about workouts like this is you can come back and do it again to track your progress! There are demos with some modifications explained so make sure you scroll through to get the proper form!


Plank Shoulder Tap

Kneeling Push-Up


2 Phase Summo Squat

Kickback Knee Drive

Running Knee Pops

This movement is almost like a skip! It will test your coordination as you as that hop to the knee drive. If this movement is to high impact you can omit the hop and do a run or march in place. This move is 2 count so you will go to 20!

This movement is almost like a skip! It will test your coordination as you as that hop to the knee drive. If this movement is to high impact you can omit the hop and do a run or march in place. This move is 2 count so you will go to 20!

If you liked this workout and are looking for some more home workouts you can check out my YouTube channel where I have tons of free workouts: WARRIOR GODDESS FITNESS YOUTUBE.

If you are ready to commit to making your health and wellness a lifestyle vs a challenge or a phase then check out my Goddess Foundations fitness program! A new group starts on the first Monday of every month! You can find details HERE.